I Need Help (Ayuda)
I am currently working on a Spanish speaking LGBT+ wiki that was abandoned years ago. Some of the terminology is outdated and many links are either empty or broken, so I'd deeply appreciate it if anyone who's proficient in Spanish could help me out fixing it or adding terminology. If you are interested, here's the link:
- You'd be one of the first to join, therefore you'd make the rules with me as a team. This means you can do things in that wiki that you can't do here.
- You'd be supporting the broader Hispanic LGBT+ community, which is underrepresented in internet circles.
- If you are learning Spanish, or your Spanish is getting rusty, this is a great opportunity to practice.
- You can become an admin, as long as you help me out.
- No drama. No trolls…
I'm gonna be designing pride flags for fun
I'm going to start creating random pride flags- If anyone wants me to make a variant or redesign a flag or anything, hit me up on either my message wall or my discord x
my sexuality UwU
hi! im new to this....so yeah...but umm im omnisexual. to those who do not know what that is....well google it UwU
but umm...yeah i just feel like i wanted to share that with umm everyone.....
- So,, we are supporting this for the wiki last years we haven't have an discord server but now Y E S !
So-called 'pedosexuality'
Just to clarify. The terms 'pedosexuality', 'agefluid', 'transage', 'kindergender', and 'clovergender' will NEVER be added to this wiki while I’m in charge. These terms are NOT REAL, they are being used by disgusting pedophiles (the ones that abuse kids) to support their gross fetishes. Love is not age-blind. CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT. Everyone HAS to fight against these disgusting movements NOW before it's added to the LGBT+ community. Pedophiles who abuse kids are disgusting and do NOT belong in the LGBT+ community. I'm so ashamed to say that some of us think the opposite.
Anyone who makes ANY of these fetishes into pages will get an INSTANT YEAR-LONG BLOCK AND CHATBAN.
Good news.
I have WAY too many creative projects to work on right now, so I did a raindom (get it?) picker, and this came up first. So I’ll be spending much more time on here now, improving pages, blocking users who break rules, until I can say that this wiki meets my standards for an LGBT+ encyclopedia wiki. Congratulations on your amazing luck! (Just kidding lol)