I've written about these issues for major news media. But this is perhaps the most researched article I've ever written,
I'd love your comments there,
What's on your mind?
I've written about these issues for major news media. But this is perhaps the most researched article I've ever written,
I'd love your comments there,
Yaoisexual is a sexual orientation where a straight female only feels attracted to gay men, specifically animated gay men.
Is this wiki just kinda dead?
Hey there, just wanted to make a quick suggestion for anyone able to change the color of the site's header, as it's barely visible with the current background.
Hi everyone, I'm in the process of expanding an old LGBT+ wiki on Fandom. Most of it is in Spanish of course, so if you feel like you could join and help, that'd be great!
Rip off of the LGBTA+ wiki
hi! i come in peace, bearing gifts!
so ive noticed that some of your pages happen to be factually incorrect and and poorly written (no offense) so if youd like to have a more accurate description of different LGBTQ+ labels and other identities or terms that wouldnt be a "normal" part of society then i suggest you check out where im from, https://lgbta.wikia.org/f ! it's super fun over there and i can almost guarantee youll find better information over there :) i do a lot of editing on the pages and am frequently active, so yes, that is verified (/j)
ciao! /g /nm
Im new whats the MOGAI encyclopedia?
Looks like the page of Nonbinary hasnt been created.... can someone make one? Id appreciate it!
FANDOM Users will no longer be able to edit. From now on, only logged-in users will be able to edit.
It seems as though most of the vandalism is coming from FANDOM Users for now. Therefore, I will set up a poll. If it gets the majority vote/no votes, I’ll implement the policy. Also, if there is another instance of vandalism or spam from a FANDOM User, then this change will also be implemented immediately. Thank you.
26 Votes in Poll
In light of today's vandalism, there will be a heightened punishment for vandalism. ALL USERS WHO VANDALISE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM WILL GET AN INDEFINITE BLOCK. NO EXCEPTIONS. Also, whether you vote yes or no, this change still stands. I just wish to know who likes it.
16 Votes in Poll
Just to clarify. The terms 'pedosexuality', 'agefluid', 'transage', and 'clovergender' will NEVER be added to this wiki while I’m in charge. These terms are NOT REAL, they are being used by disgusting pedophiles to support their gross fetishes. Love is not age-blind. CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT. Everyone HAS to fight against these disgusting movements NOW before it's added to the LGBT+ community. Pedophiles are disgusting and do NOT belong in the LGBT+ community. I'm so ashamed to say that some of us think the opposite.
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